Monday, August 25, 2008

8 Months

We cannot believe that our little Brodie, our miracle baby, our Christmas baby, the one that wouldn't come out, the one that without modern medicine, wouldn't have come out and we'd have both been gone, the one that was so tiny and could fit on the length of my forearm, the baby that scared us night one, with low sugar, and IV's and some breathing issues, the little precious, wonder............8 months old! God is great! Brodie is a gift and every day with him is a joy!

Give me that camera mama!
Standing up for just a couple seconds by himself!

Standing up like a big boy with Daddy.

Those toes are fun!

Look at my cool teeth, I have a new one on top too and workin' on the fourth!

Mommy and me~

Blah.........I have a cold and can't breathe from my nose, but I am still happy!

Those yummy toes again!

Gotta love that belly....and there you can see those teeth again!

What a cutie pie, sitting up like he owns the place. We love him so!

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