Monday, January 7, 2008

Growing Boy

Brodie had another Dr. appt on Friday. ( I think it was Friday, maybe it was Thursday....I can't remember, my days are all mixed up!!! Anyway, he has started to gain back his weight, he was up to 7 lbs and 10 oz and he had grown 1/2 inch. Here is the first picture we actually all took together.
Here he is participating in one of his favorite hobbies. We won't mention his other hobbies right now. All I will say is that I'm thankful Grandma Jan was here to help clean that stuff off the wall that day!!!
Here Brodie is teaching mom how to pucker up. I've tried to teach her for years but she just couldn't catch on!!! LOL
And here he is on his very own personal sofa.....good thing I put on those few extra pounds during the pregnancy so he can be even more comfy!!

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